Dr. med. Nils Rathjen

Dr. med. Nils Rathjen

Specialist in radiology

'Our aim is to be a strong partner in modern radiological diagnostics and to guarantee you optimum treatment.'

Curriculum vitae

Since 2016 · Partner of the Ihre-Radiologen.de MVZ

2013 – 2016 · Specialist in Radiology, Ihre-Radiologen.de MVZ

2007 – 2012 · Specialist in training, Städtische Kliniken der Stadt Köln

Professional qualification

2010 – 2012 · General Management (MBA), Allfinanz Academy (Fernuni Hagen)

2012 · Board certified as specialist for radiology

2009 · Doctorate in medicine

2007 · Approbation

2001 – 2007 · Study of human medicine, University of Cologne


  • German Radiological Society (DRG)